dijous, 27 de maig del 2010

Tourist Interviews

Interview 1:
She stays in Figueras, she isn't for holly days here. She is having a good time. She stays in a Hotel. She's here with a group of ten persons. She's going to stay a week in Figueras, she speaks a little bit Spanish, she can say words like: Paella. She thinks that the people from Catalonia speak good English!! She hasn't visited any other places in Catalonia. She said me that the Dali Museum is very beautiful. She likes catalan/spanish food. She bought some souvenirs. She think that the catalans are friendly people. She would come back, because It's very beautiful.

Interview 2:

She's from Holland. She's with the school in Catalonia. She's having a good time. She choosed Catalonia because It's funny here. She's staying in ¿kaelia? She's staying with a group of forty-eight people. She's going to stay five days in Catalonia. She can't speak Catalan/Spanish. She thins that the people here can't speak good English. She has visited other places in Catalonia. The best place for her was Barcelona (La Rambla). She didn't like Spanish food. She hasn't bought any souvenirs. She thinks that the Catalan/Spanish are friendly people. She would come back again.

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