dimecres, 10 de març del 2010

divendres, 5 de març del 2010

The Old People

Check out this SlideShare Presentation:

dijous, 4 de març del 2010

My favourite Book:

The best book who I've ever readen is: Eragon.
I really like It because It's a fantasy book and I like the way It is written.
It's about a boy named Eragon, who fins a dragon egg and becomes a dragon rider. He wants to kill Galbatorix for save Algaesia, but first he must learn all what a dragon rider must know.
It's really one of the best books I ever read.

dimecres, 3 de març del 2010

My Cat!

I don't know wath to write, and I heared that my cat Buzzy was crying at home... so I decided to dedicate this post to my cat.

My cat is four years old, my father adopted the cat in a house who he was reforming, the cat chased him everywhere for a week and the cat had a pint of being malnoudrished, the cat had only four months at most and If my father not adopted the cat probably would have died...

But now she was four years old and is doing very well, the cat is very happy and a little bit fat... She don't eat in our home, she preferes the food of my neightboor, I ask me wath they give her to eat...


The FIFA World Cup of South Africa 2010.

I look forward to World Cup wich begins this summer, held in South Africa. There are many teams quite balanced. But my favourites to win the World Cup are: Spain, Holland, Brazil and Ivory Coast. I think so because they play a really beautifoul and effective football.

The groups are:

My favourite group is the G. Because they are very good teams, and they have potential to come to the final, but only two teams pass the group stage. The H an interessant group for me because there are Spain and Switzerland, when I was a child I lived in Switzerland, and I wan't that that two teams pass the group stage.

But there are still a few months for the begin of the World Cup, so I must be patient!



Memento is a psychological thriller film written and directed by Cristopher Nolan. It talks about Leonard Shelby, a man with anterograde amnesia (his brain cannot store new memories). At the begin of the film, we are shown that Leonard has just killed Teddy, for the rape and murder of his wife based on information provided by Natalie.

I really like this film, because It wasn't like the other. It isn't the tipic Hollywood film who always happen the same.