diumenge, 22 de novembre del 2009

Describe a Picture

At this foto I can see the good and the bad, the clear and the dark, I can see a better world and a worse world, and I can see the beggin of the world and the end. I really like this picture, because every one can see what he want...

A song I like



Well did you see the old man
Outside the seamen's mission
Memories of fighting with the medals that he wears
And did you see the old man
Outside the seamen's mission
He's just another hero from a land that doesn't care

So how can you tell me you're lonely
And don't you say to me your sun don't shine

And have you seen the old girl
Who walks the Streets Of London
She ain't got no money and she's all dressed in rags
And have you seen the old girl
Who walks the Streets Of London
She carries her old knickers in two polythene bags

So how can you tell me you're lonely
And don't you say to me your sun don't shine

Well let me take you by the hand
And lead you through your Streets Of London
I'll show you something you'll never understand
Well let me take you by the hand
And drag you through your Streets Of London
I'll show you sonething that'll make you really sick

Well let me take you by the hand
And lead you through your Streets Of London
I'll show you something we'll never understand
Well let me take you by the hand
And drag you through your Streets Of London
I'll show you sonething that'll make you really sick

Spanisch Version:

Bien ve al anciano fuera de la misión de los marineros
Las Memorias de lucha con las medallas que él lleva

Ve al anciano fuera de la misión de los marineros
Él es solo otro héroe de una tierra que no se preocupa

Asin que como puede decirme que estas solo
y me dice que su sol no brilla
Bien ha visto a la anciana Que anda las Calles de Londres
Ella no aconsigue dinero y ella solo lleva cosas caras

Y habeis visto aquella anciana Que anda las Calles de Londres
Ella lleva sus viejos pantalones en dos bolsos de polietileno

Cómo puede decirme que usted está sólo y me dice que su sol no brilla

Bien déjeme tomarle la mano y conducirle por sus Calles de Londres
le mostraré algo que usted nunca entenderá

Bien dejame tomarle la mano y arrastrarle por sus Calles de Londres
le mostraré algo que le dejará realmente enfermo

Bien déjeme tomarle a la mano y conducirle por sus Calles de Londres
le mostraré algo que nunca entenderás

Bien dejenme tomarle la mano y arrastrarle por sus Calles de Londres
le mostraré algo que le dejará realmente enfermo

Asin que como puede decirme que estas solo
y me dice que su sol no brilla

Halloween Project

I think that this is a good activiti to practice english, and there are many words who we don't use in a normal day.
Here is the project from: Dr.Zbinden,Nuria.P.,Marvin.T.,Sergi.R.

dimecres, 11 de novembre del 2009

The Sex Pistols

Sex Pistols is a band of punk rock formed in London in 1975. She is the person in charge of having initiated the movement punk in the United Kingdom and of inspiring many musicians of punk and alternative rock. Though his first stage scarcely lasted two years and a half and in her there produced only four simple ones and an album of study-Never Mind the Bollocks, Here's the Sex Pistols-, she is recognized as one of the most influential bands of the history of the popular music.
The members of Sex Pistols were originally Johnny Rotten, the guitarist Steve Jones, the batería Paul Cook and the bassist Sid Vicious.
His concerts frequently were running up with difficulties with the organizers and the authorities, and his public appearances often were finishing in chaos. His simple one of 1977 " God Save the Queen ", that was attacking the social conformity of the english men and the respect to the wreath.
Vicious died of a heroine's overdose in February, 1979. In 1996, Rotten, Jones, Cook and Matlock met for the Filthy Lucre Tour; from 2002, they have returned to assemble for tours and concerts in several occasions. On February 24, 2006, Sex Pistols was included in the Lounge of the Reputation of the Rock, though they refused to represent to the ceremony, calling to the museum " a spot of wee ".

Sex Pistols - Anarchy in the UK



Metallica is an active group of music of United States of America since principles of the eighties. It was created to 1981 in Los Angeles by the Dane Lars Ulrich i James Hetfield.
After participating in the development of the thrash metal during the eighties, the group broadened their audience at the beginning of the nineties to include many new supporters.
Together with Megadeth, Anthrax and Slayer, Metallica is considered like one of the "Four Greatest" of the thrash metal.

Metallica-Enter The SandMan