dimecres, 28 d’abril del 2010

The future of books

We are the digital generation, I was sure that books will become a digital format. But is this good or bad?
Positive things: We musn't buy books and have them in our house, because the books will be saved in the compuer.
Negative things: Any moment the computer can have a problem in the system and all our books will be deleted, they will be problems with the copyright's, the newer generations will write worse.
Books will be a thing wich will never desapear from our world, culture, life.

dimecres, 14 d’abril del 2010

Just for laughts: Jokes in St.George.

In English:

What do the traffic lights say to the car?

Don't look now. I'm changing!

En Català:

Què diuen els semàfors al cotxe?

No miris ara. Estic canviant!