diumenge, 28 de febrer del 2010

Why is Shakespear so famous?

Shakespeare's life

When was he born? Find a photo of him

He was born the 26th april of 1564.

Where was he born? Include a map with the place

He was born in Stratford-upon-Avon, United Kingdom

What was his family?

William Shakespeare was the son of John Shakespear, a succseful glover and alderman originally from Snitterfield, and Mary Arden, the daughter of an affluent landowning farmer

Who was his wife? Include her photo

Anne Hathaway (1556 – 6 August 1623).They were married in 1582 and Hathaway was widowed on Shakespeare's death in 1616. Very little is known about her, beyond a few references in legal documents, but her personality and relationship to Shakespeare have been the subject of much speculation by historians and creative writers.

Did he have children?

Yes, three, two daughter and one son: Daughter Sussana, son Hamnet and the other daughter Judith.

How old was he when he died?

He was fifty-two years old.

Shakespeare's time

Who was the Queen and King during Shakespeare's life? Include photos

Elizabeth was the Queen, and Edward VI the king.

What country was a great rival of England during this time?

Spain was one of the great rivals.

What happened with the Spanish Armada?
It was a mishap.

Why was the Elisabethan era described as golden?
Because it’s the best ages of England, they have the Renaissance and the best ages of poetry

Because she made very good things for England.

Shakespeare's career

How many plays did he write?

He wrote between 40 and 50 plays.

How many poems did he write?

He wrote 5 poems

Find the title in English and Catalan/Spanish of one comedy, one tragedy and one poem.

Tragedy - Romeo and Juliet / Romeo y Julieta
Comedy - A good beginning Ends well / A buen fin no hay mal principio
Poem - The Rape of Lucrece / La violacion de Lucrecia

What is the Globe? Find a picture

Where is the Globe? Find and copy a map of its location

I England, London, Maiden Lain (now Park Street)

What plays are performed in the Globe this month?
Kings and rogues.

When was the Globe first built?
Built in 1599 by Peter Street

How long did Shakespeare work there in the Globe?
He worked seventeen years in the globe.

What was the name of his theatre company?
The name was Lord Chamberlain's Men

What happened to the Globe in 1644?
It was pulled down in 1644, or slightly later—the commonly cited document dating the act to 15 April 1644 has been identified as a probable forgery—to make room for tenements.

Who built the Globe again and when?
In the same side and in 1997

Shakespeare's fame

His words are used today around the world.

How many words did he supposedly invent in the English language?
He invented a lot of new words.

In which play did he say "To be or not to be. That is the question"?
In Hamlet.

Look for another famous word/quotation invented by Shakespeare and translate it into Catalan/Spanish
A famous quotation is: "Una conclusión" o "Con la respiracion contenida".


Who died on the same day as Shakespeare?
At the same day dies too Garcilaso de la Vega

What was Shakespeare's nick?
He's nick was Bard of Avon

How many films have been adapted from his work?
There have been some 250 films based on texts by Shakespear.

dimecres, 10 de febrer del 2010

Important match

The other day we played against the seconds of the football league. The other team thinked that they had won the match before we began the match, but we left the locker very motivated and did our best game of the season and won the match 2-1. Currently we are 4th and in the second round we've only lost a match against the first! We must win this season!

Romeo and Juliet

1. What do you know about Romeo and Juliet story?
It tells the story of two young lovers who, but their families are enemys,they decided to fight for be married, they married secretly, but the pressure of that rivalry and lead a number of fatalities the suicide of two the lovers.

2. When was it written?
Romeo and Juliet was written in 1597.

3. What type of text is it: novel, poem or play?
It's a theater play.

4. What is the origin of the story?
The story had its origin in the narrative poem by Arthur Brooke.

5. Who is the author?
The autor of this story is William Shakespear.

6. Where was the author from?
He was born in Stratford-upon-Avon,United Kingdom the 26th April of 1564. He died 3rd May 1616.

7. Do you know other works by him?
Another famous work is "Hamlet".

8. Who was the King/Queen in his country when Romeo and Juliet was written?
In the country Elizabeth was the Queen, and Edward VI the king.

9. Was he/she important? Why?
Yes, she was the queen in a important time.

10.What social norms existed in that time for young people and marriage?
Their parents look for a husbad or a wife, they couldn't decided who they want to marry.

Experiences in my life

1.Experiences: I've climbed a mountain in Switzerland.
1.Lesson: You must wear good and resistent clothes. Because the wind is cold and they are dangerouse stones.
2.Experiences: I went to Barcelona for visit my brother, but I didn't finde him and my mobile phone had no battery.
2.Lesson: Take ever an charged mobile phone with you.

3.Experiences: I've raised 20 sacks of foundation to the second flat, but I only had to raise It to the first one.
3.Lesson:Always there has to be listened well what they say to you, and if you have not understood anything, to ask It.